Musical journeys taking you somewhere / anywhere / nowhere
Photo by John Barkiple on Unsplash
This is a way of engaging with music as a creative practice.
Like many music lovers, I’ve been making mixtapes, compilations, playlists, whatever you want to call them, since childhood. I believe there’s something magical in connecting together pieces of music thoughtfully to create something greater than the sum of its parts.
I made the first of these 13tracks playlists in 2011. Sometimes years went by without me creating one, and then a burst of creativity would strike, as in 2020/2021 when I created 13tracks editions 13-23 in a twelve-month timespan.
13 tracks is long enough to have moods and feelings come and go - enough time to take you on a journey. You can think of these playlists as soundtracks to either your internal emotional life, or your experiences in the world, or both.
I hope you enjoy them.
More about me:
Currently Director of People & Operations in a multinational meditation non-profit. My professional journey has included being a lawyer, running a music industry technology company, and founding a startup. My educational background includes an Executive MBA from the University of Cambridge, and a Law & Philosophy degree.
Musically, I used to play in bands for fun in my teens and twenties, and have always felt that music is the closest thing to the divine that we have on Earth.